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Antipathidae; mapping; Myriopathidae; precious corals; records

The Hawaiian Archipelago contains some of the best surveyed black coral populations on the globe; however, most previous surveys have grouped all black coral species into a single category. This study mapped the spatial distribution of eight antipatharian species (Antipathes griggi, Antipathes grandis, Cirrhipathes cf. anguina, Stichopathes echinulata, Stichopathes? sp., Aphanipathes verticillata, Acanthopathes undulata and Myriopathes cf. ulex) found in shallow-waters (<150 meters) along the Hawaiian Archipelago, and compared data on substrate type, depth, and temperature among species.

Published research, Journal article
U.S. Pacific Islands

The continental margin off the northeastern United States contains numerous, topographically complex features that increase habitat heterogeneity across the region. However, the majority of these rugged features have never been surveyed, particularly using direct observations. During summer 2013, 31 remotely-operated vehicle dives were conducted from 494 to 3271 m depth across a variety of seafloor features to document communities and to infer geological processes that produced such features.

Published research, Journal article
New England/Mid-Atlantic
Desmophyllum pertusum, Lophelia pertusa

Eastern Bering Sea slope, Canyons, Habitat, Fish, Coral, Sponge

Here, we examine whether 5 large canyons (Bering, Pribilof, Zhemchug, Pervenets and Navarin) are faunally distinct features within the eastern Bering Sea. We compiled data from the eastern Bering Sea that included trawl survey data on fish and invertebrate distributions and observations of ocean conditions and benthic habitat. These data were analyzed using multivariate techniques to determine if the canyons are distinguishable from the adjacent continental slope.

Published research, Journal article

Bycatches (Fisheries), Coral Reef Conservation, Coral Reef Ecology, Coral Reef Fisheries, Corals, Environmental Aspects, Environmental Impact Analysis, Identification

The North Pacific Groundfish and Halibut Observer Program is a potentially huge source of coral location data that could provide much needed information on high diversity hotspots and vulnerable marine ecosystems. We implemented a pilot project in 2012 and 2013 with experienced fisheries observers to improve data collection on coral bycatch by the Alaskan commercial fishing fleet.

Reports, Technical memorandum

Coral Reef Ecology; Databases; Deep-Sea Corals; Research; Sponge

The database represents a new standard to catalyze progress in deep-sea coral and sponge
resource management and habitat suitability modeling. Records will be compiled continuously by NOAA,
and distributed online in a map atlas format beginning in 2015.

Reports, Technical memorandum

Coelenterata, Anthozoa, black coral, biogeography, cold-water coral, deep-sea, Leiopathes annosa

The biogeographical distribution of species within the monogeneric family Leiopathidae is presented and discussed.

Published research, Journal article, Fully or partially Program-funded
U.S. Pacific Islands

The red tree coral Primnoa pacifica is an important habitat forming octocoral in North Pacific waters. Given the prominence of this species in shelf and upper slope areas of the Gulf of Alaska where fishing disturbance can be high, it may be able to sustain healthy populations through adaptive reproductive processes. This study was designed to test this hypothesis, examining reproductive mode, seasonality and fecundity in both undamaged and simulated damaged colonies over the course of 16 months using a deepwater-emerged population in Tracy Arm Fjord.

Published research, Journal article
Primnoa pacifica

*Journal subscription required to access

distribution modelling; generalized additive models; deep-sea coral; deep-sea sponge; habitat; spatial management; Alaska

The objective of the present analysis was to construct models that could predict the distribution, abundance and diversity of deep sea corals and sponges in the Aleutian Islands. Generalized additive models were constructed based on bottom trawl survey data collected from 1991 to 2011 and tested on data from 2012.

Published research, Journal article

*Journal subscription required to access

new species; Porifera; Demospongiae; Astrophorida; Geodia; Aleutian Islands; North Pacific; Alaska

A new species of Geodia is described from the North Pacific, collected in the summer of 2012 in the western Aleutian Islands. Geodia starki sp. nov. differs from all known species of Geodia by the possession of two categories of sterrasters and exceptionally large megascleres. The new species is compared with congeners of the North Pacific Ocean, Bering Sea, Arctic and the North Atlantic Oceans.

Published research, Journal article
Geodia starki

*Journal subscription required to access

new demosponges; Aleutian Islands; Alaska; North Pacific; Bering Sea

Two new species of the genus Stelletta and one new species of Ancorina are described from the Aleutian Islands of Alaska and compared to congeners of the region. This is the first record of the genus Ancorina in the North Pacific Ocean. Stelletta ovalae Tanita 1965 is also reported for the first time from the Bering Sea and Alaska.

Published research, Journal article
Stelletta, Ancorina