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Black Corals; Coral Communities; Coral Reef Fishes; Corals; Deep-sea Ecology; Fish Surveys; Habitat; Monitoring; Research; Sponges; Underwater Exploration

In 2010, the Program initiated a three-year study to advance our understanding of deep-sea corals off the west coast of the U.S. As part of this study, we conducted a cruise during fall 2010, which focused on the biology and ecology of the Christmas tree black coral and their use by demersal fishes on three deep offshore banks in the Southern California Bight (Hidden Reef, Footprint, and Piggy Bank). Our report provides a summary of the methods and results from underwater surveys of these coral colonies and associated habitats, sponges, and fishes.

Reports, Other reports
West Coast
Antipathes dendrochristos

This Final Cruise Report provides a detailed analysis of the benthic habitats, biota, and fish
populations at each dive site based on the ROV photo/video transects, CTD casts, and multibeam
sonar surveys.

Reports, Cruise report
Southeast (South Atlantic/Gulf of Mexico/U.S. Caribbean)

Florida, Habitat

NOAA bathymetric contour maps and digital elevation models were used to identify and delineate the areal extent of potential deep-sea coral habitat in the region from northeastern Florida through the Straits of Florida. These were ground-truthed with 241 dives with submersibles and remotely operated vehicles which confirmed deep-sea coral habitat.

Published research, Journal article
Southeast (South Atlantic/Gulf of Mexico/U.S. Caribbean)

Christmas tree coral, Antipathes dendrochristos, Southern California Bight

The Christmas tree coral Antipathes dendrochristos is a recently discovered black coral species that represents a habitat associated with numerous sensitive taxa in the Southern California Bight. We evaluated whether broad-scale oceanographic features influence coral density and size by selecting from among generalized additive models (for density) and generalized linear models (for size) that represented competing hypotheses.

Published research, Journal article, Fully or partially Program-funded
West Coast
Antipathes dendrochristos

Coral Reef Conservation, Coral Reef Ecology, Coral Reef Management, Marine Ecosystem Management

This report describes the 2012 and 2013 research activities executed by NOAA project teams with funding provided by the Program. It also briefly describes progress during this period in Magnuson-Stevens Act related management actions that contribute toward protecting deep-sea coral areas. 

Reports, Report to Congress

model; shelf; habitat

Presence-absence data of benthic macro-invertebrates and associated habitat (i.e., sediment type and depth) were collected using a towed camera sled in selected areas along the coast off southern California. Using this information, we developed generalized linear models to predict the probability of occurrence of five commonly observed taxa (cup corals, hydroids, short and tall sea pens, and brittle stars in the sediment) within the Santa Barbara Channel.

Published research, Journal article, Fully or partially Program-funded

In September 2011, a three week research cruise was conducted by the Cooperative Institute for Ocean Exploration, Research, and Technology (CIOERT) at Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute–Florida Atlantic University (HBOI–FAU) in collaboration with NOAA.

Reports, Cruise report
Southeast (South Atlantic/Gulf of Mexico/U.S. Caribbean)

Coral Reef Conservation, Coral Reef Ecology, Coral Reef Management, Marine Ecosystem Management

The report provides information on steps taken by NOAA and its partners to identify, monitor, and protect deep sea coral areas. Sections provide a brief discussion of current knowledge and knowledge gaps about deep sea corals, NOAA's expertise and authorities to conserve deep sea coral communities, and summaries of management actions taken by NOAA, the Fishery Management Councils, other federal agencies, and international organizations in 2007. The final section highlights research priorities for 2009 and recommendations for addressing knowledge gaps.

Reports, Report to Congress

deep-sea corals; fish surveys; ocean bottom ecology; remote sensing; sponges

Remotely operated vehicle (ROV) surveys were conducted from NOAA’s state‐of‐the‐art Fisheries Survey Vessel (FSV) Bell M. Shimada during a six‐day transit November 1‐5, 2010 between San Diego, CA and Seattle, WA. The objective of this survey was to locate and characterize deep‐sea coral and sponge ecosystems at several recommended sites in support of NOAA’s Coral Reef Conservation Program.

Reports, Technical memorandum
West Coast

conservation; deep-sea corals; effect of humans on; habitat; marine ecosystem management; seamounts; sponges

A coast-wide survey of the distribution and abundance of deep-sea corals from Washington to southern California was conducted during three legs of a cruise aboard the NOAA ship McArthur II. The report provides a summary of the methods and results from underwater surveys of corals, sponges, and associated habitats, invertebrates, and fishes conducted during Leg 3 of the cruise using the ROV on a deep rocky seamount in the Southern California Bight.

Reports, Other reports
West Coast