Refine Results

Displaying 121 - 130 of 158

Site Characterization; Olympic Coast

This report provides a summary of the methods and results from underwater surveys of corals, sponges, and associated habitats, invertebrates, and fishes conducted during Leg 1 of the cruise using the ROV to survey hard bottom substrates previously mapped with side-scan sonar and/or multibeam bathymetry in the Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary that had high likelihood of suitable habitats for deep-sea coral communities.

Reports, Other reports
West Coast

Coral Reef Ecology; Deep Sea Corals; Management; Marine Ecosystem Management; Research; Sponges

The ultimate goal of the workshop was to identify steps necessary to improve the understanding needed to conserve and manage these deep-sea ecosystems. Workshop participants represented a broad range of stakeholders including the Federal government, the New England and the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Councils, academia, private industry, nongovernmental organizations and Canadian academic and governmental representatives

Reports, Technical report
New England/Mid-Atlantic

Conservation, Deep Sea Corals, Effect Of Human Beings On, Habitat, Marine Ecosystem Management, Seamounts, Sponges

Reports, Other reports
West Coast

Coral Reef Ecology, Deep-sea Biology, Deep Sea Corals, Oceanographic Submersibles

Reports, Technical memorandum

Site characterization

This report provides summary results from leg 2 (Central California) of the 2010 effort in which a Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) was deployed from the NOAA ship McArthur II to survey potential deep-sea coral habitat.

Reports, Other reports
West Coast

Coral Reef Ecology; Deep Sea Corals; Geographical Distribution; Habitat; Research; Stylasteridae

This project represents a data analysis and data mining effort focusing on hydrocorals and
gorgonian corals on Cordell Bank that builds on previous research and specimen collections.

Reports, Other reports
West Coast

Site characterization report of deep-sea coral and sponge communities on the continental shelf of Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary.

Reports, Other reports
West Coast

In 2010, the Program initiated a three- year study to advance our understanding of deep-sea corals off the west coast of the U.S.  The following study was a part of this research. A broad-scale characterization of deep-sea coral/sponge habitats and communities was conducted in Bodega Canyon during late summer of 2011 using still photo observations from an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV). 

Reports, Other reports
West Coast

coral reef ecology; deep-sea corals; management; marine ecosystem management; sponges

On January 20-21, 2010, scientists and resource managers met in Portland, Oregon to further define the exploration and research priorities laid out in the NOAA Strategic Plan for Deep-Sea Coral and Sponge Ecosystems, and to identify critical information needs for deep-sea coral and sponge ecosystems off the U.S. West Coast. The ultimate goal of the workshop was to identify steps to improve the understanding, conservation, and management of these ecosystems.

Reports, Other reports
West Coast

site characterization; Piggy Bank

A coast-wide survey of the distribution and abundance of deep-sea corals from Washington to southern California was conducted during three legs of a cruise aboard the NOAA ship McArthur II. The final leg of this cruise focused on documenting the biology and ecology of the deep-sea coral community and habitats on Piggy Bank, a deep offshore bank in the southern California Bight.

Reports, Other reports
West Coast