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This report presents the results of 15 projects conducted using Program funds from 2012–2015.

Reports, Technical memorandum

This report updates information on deep‐sea coral ecosystems and management efforts to protect them over the last decade, and presents a first summary of information on U.S. deep‐sea sponge ecosystems.

Reports, Technical report

The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management partnered with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science to gather biogeographic information in support of this evaluation around the Main Hawaiian Islands . The complexity of products from this assessment range from simple animal distribution maps to mathematical models depicting the predicted distributions of animals.

Chapter 3 pertains to benthic habitats and corals. An understanding of the distribution of marine benthic habitats and associated biota in the Main Hawaiian Islands (MHI) is necessary in order to assess potential direct and indirect effects of renewable energy development.

Reports, Other reports
U.S. Pacific Islands

The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management partnered with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science to gather biogeographic information in support of this evaluation around the Main Hawaiian Islands . The complexity of products from this assessment range from simple animal distribution maps to mathematical models depicting the predicted distributions of animals.

Chapter 3 pertains to benthic habitats and corals. An understanding of the distribution of marine benthic habitats and associated biota in the Main Hawaiian Islands (MHI) is necessary in order to assess potential direct and indirect effects of renewable energy development.

Reports, Technical memorandum
U.S. Pacific Islands

bycatches (fisheries); conservation; deep sea coral; marine resources conservation; monitoring; sponges

This report details the process and outcomes of this workshop, which will provide background to the science implementation team and guide the development of a science plan for the upcoming Deep Sea Coral Research and Technology Program Southeast Regional Research Initiative in 2016-2019.

Reports, Other reports
Southeast (South Atlantic/Gulf of Mexico/U.S. Caribbean)

cruise report; canyons

Beginning on August 24, 2016, a multidisciplinary team of scientists and engineers, aboard NOAA Ship Pisces, spent 12 days-at-sea exploring three deep-water canyons off the coast of North Carolina. Specifically, the team targeted Keller, Pamlico, and Hatteras canyons. 

Reports, Cruise report
New England/Mid-Atlantic

Using an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) and towed camera system (TCS), deep-sea corals, sponges, and seafloor habitats were visually surveyed for the first time in areas of longtime trawl fishing off northern California. During an 11-day cruise aboard the R/V Point Sur 8-18 September 2014, researchers completed 6 dives with the AUV and 9 deployments of the TCS, and spent over 42 hours underwater at depths of 586-1169 meters from the Oregon-California border to the Mendocino Ridge.

Reports, Technical memorandum
West Coast

Benthos, Deep-sea Animals, Deep-sea Fishes, Deep Sea Corals, Equipment And Supplies, Habitat, Marine Biology, Observations, Oceanography, Research, Sponges, Underwater Exploration, Underwater Photography

Reports, Technical memorandum

Conservation, Coral Reef Conservation, Coral Reef Ecology, Coral Reef Management, Coral Reefs And Islands, International Cooperation, Marine Ecosystem Management, Research

This report describes the 2014 and 2015 research activities partially or fully funded by the Program to meet NOAA s mandate to identify, study, and monitor deep-sea coral areas.

Reports, Report to Congress

Bycatches (Fisheries), Coral Reef Conservation, Coral Reef Ecology, Coral Reef Fisheries, Corals, Environmental Aspects, Environmental Impact Analysis, Identification

The North Pacific Groundfish and Halibut Observer Program is a potentially huge source of coral location data that could provide much needed information on high diversity hotspots and vulnerable marine ecosystems. We implemented a pilot project in 2012 and 2013 with experienced fisheries observers to improve data collection on coral bycatch by the Alaskan commercial fishing fleet.

Reports, Technical memorandum