About the Program

NOAA’s Deep Sea Coral Research and Technology Program is the nation’s only federal research program dedicated to increasing scientific understanding of deep-sea coral and sponge ecosystems and providing resource managers with scientific studies to inform conservation actions. Established in 2007 under the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation & Management Act, the Program supports NOAA’s role in actively managing fishing impacts and other threats to deep-sea coral and sponge habitat.
Deep-Sea Coral Data Portal

Access the data portal with our national deep-sea coral and sponge database, related map layers, StoryMaps, data dashboards, and more.
Regional Research Initiatives
The Program coordinates and manages research initiatives in every region of the U.S. Click on a region to learn more about our work there.
Latest News
Explore the latest from the Deep Sea Coral Research and Technology Program.
Deep-Sea Coral Research to Gain New Understanding of Alaska Fish Habitat
A multiyear, international study is using innovative technology to shed light on what red corals need to reproduce and sustain their populations, and how the
Cancer-Fighting Green Sponge Brings More Than Just Good Luck!
The unique green color of the Latrunculina austini sponge gives it St. Patrick’s Day spirit all year long.
Student Interns Take a Virtual Dive into the World of Deep-Sea Corals and Sponges
From coast to coast, college seniors and recent graduates contribute to NOAA’s Deep Sea Coral Research and Technology Program research goals through unique p
Queen Snapper Fish Live to Up to 45 Years and Use Deep-Sea Corals as Habitat
In Puerto Rico, NOAA scientists are working with partners on a study with the local fishing community to better understand queen snapper and habitat interact
NOAA Launches New Season of Discovery in Alaska’s Deep-Sea Coral and Sponge Ecosystems
This summer, three expeditions will use innovative sampling technology to collect information supporting sustainable ecosystem-based management of Alaska’s c
Researchers Find Massive Rare Sponge Mounds Hiding in the Deep Sea
NOAA scientists and collaborators have found rare deep-sea sponge mounds between two of California’s most explored marine protected areas, signifying how vas